Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I recently read Kris Vallotton's "Purity: The New Moral Revolution." (a book I highly recommend) In it he brought up a quite good point. Most people haven't any idea what they stand for, so when trials or just unexpected situations come their way they don't know how to respond. In his book Kris suggests that you think and pray about your virtues, write them down, memorize them, and measure everything you do against them. That way nothing you do violates your convictions. It makes sense to me so here is the first draft of mine and explanations where needed.

1. I will follow the Lord with my whole heart all of the days of my life.

Pretty self explanatory.

2. I will continue my relentless search for biblical truth till the day I die.

Again, pretty self explanatory.

3. I will honor and respect my wife now, when I meet her, and for the rest of our days.

My bible says that to look with lust on a woman is the same as cheating on your spouse, and I believe this holds true even before I meet her. So like Job I have made a covenant with my eyes to not look with lust on a woman. Second the bible says to love your wife like Christ loved the church and gave himself completely for her. Obviously that one I can't do until after I am married, but it's definitely my plan. And I plan on doing just that for my entire life with her.

4. I will treat everyone with the respect they deserve as creatures created in the image of God.

This one is one I had never really thought of until recently, but when it hit me it just made sense. Even if I don't like someone, they were still created by our holy Father and in His image no less. Therefore I have no right to treat anyone as anything less.

5. I will let no unholy thing escape my lips.

This is perhaps the one I have the most trouble with. I believe words have power beyond what most people can imagine. I mean think about it, God didn't swing a giant cosmic hammer to create everything, he merely spoke everything into existence. If we are created in the image of God than it can only follow that what leaves our mouths has power. I'd rather not waste that gift furthering anything that is unholy. Once again, I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but this is what I'm striving for.

6. I will live with honesty and integrity no matter the cost, or consequences.

Let's face it, sometimes it's easier to lie and avoid the consequences of our actions. I won't.

7. If I should fall short of my virtues I will repent without hesitation, apologize to any parties that I wronged, and accept the healing and restoration that the Father offers.

Those are the ones that I have been thinking and praying about. There may be more added later but that's it for now. I do ask that you help hold me accountable. If you see me do or say something that runs contrary to my stated virtues, then please gently point it out to me. Hope you have a blessed day!