Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Channel 2 is ran a special about some parasite thats cats carry that causes schizophrenia and or dimentia. I always knew cat people were crazy!

I just joined concealedcampus.org in their fight to get state funded universities and colleges to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry on campus. I know what you might be thinking... Oh the terror! There would be a thousand dead students a day! You know what I would say? Virginia Tech, 32 dead students, could have been stopped by a student with a legal weapon.

Matthew Murray killed fie people in Colorado before being stopped by a concealed carrier. If thats not proof then I don't know what is.

Did you know that the U.S. spends nearly twice as much on imports as it brings in with exports. Darn you Wal-Mart!

I'm going to a LOST party tomorrow. I'm pretty exited. Anyway, I'm gonna go read some Mary Higgins Clarke :-D Goodnight world.

Friday, January 18, 2008


I am sitting at cups cafe and having the best cup of coffee I have ever tasted, its pretty darn good.

So three of my books have now come in, and I am nearly caught up with all of my reading. I still need a job...

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Hello, salute!

So I think the greatest song ever is NUMA NUMA by O-ZONE its genius honestly.

I clocked it and my running route is 2.8 miles total. Not bad if I do say so myself.

The first meeting of our college group was awesome! I think God is going to use it to grow alot of men.

I am officially a member of the Athens Vineyard so hopefully soon our mens group will become an official home group of the church. We are about to begin a study on David which is way cool because David, even through all of his crap, was called a man after God's own heart.

So I'm still trying to find a job, I have to go later today and talk to the gun shop, and the SCUBA shop. Thats all for today. Have a blessed week!


Sunday, January 6, 2008


I have decided that I need to travel. It is in motion that I find joyous emotion. Maybe I should couch surf, that looks like fun.

I start classes tomorrow. I'm not looking foreword to it but oh well, such is life. My best friend Dave and his wife Morgan moved to Athens a couple days ago, and my other best friend Doug and my sister are moving here tomorrow (they're married)... Anyway since my other friend summer already lives here that's pretty much the whole crew back together in Athens.

I went for a run tonight, those of you who know me should be shocked, I'd tell you how far I ran but I haven't clocked it yet. I'd just write down my route but then someone might start stalking me and then late one night they'd break into my apartment and I would wake up just in time to find them in the kitchen having tragically fallen on a knife (it could happen) and that would be good for noone. So I'll just say I ran hard for 27 minutes (I have a vivid imagination)

So now I'm sitting at a coffee shop on my new motion computing M1400 tablet pc :-D

back to my travel plans... Where should I go? I'm thinking maybe drive to Mexico, I probably need a job first. I went job hunting on Saturday, I think Saturday is managers day off day because everywhere I went some kid would say "our manager is not here today, can you come back Monday?" That doesn't bode well for me because everyone knows that Monday is SUCK day so every manager is gonna be in a bad mood, see where I'm going with this?

Anyway I went by the coolest gun shop I have ever seen which would be a sweet place to work... I went to a SCUBA shop which would be pretty darn cool as well. I'll guess we'll see tomorrow.

Do you ever just get bored with life? I do all the time, sometimes it feels like I'm driving in circles, and not even in a cool car, like maybe a Pinto, or an El Camino.

Speaking of cool cars, over the Christmas break i drove an original Shelby Cobra. As you can see I'm pretty much free associating at this point. while we're on the subject of free associating I totally swung an A in abnormal psychology this past semester. I guess it wasn't that hard since my professor was not so smart. Hmmm, not so smart? Oh I got one, aren't you happy that Hillary Clinton didn't win the Democratic nomination, whew that was a close one. I've moved on from free association to boredom again... Anybody got an El Camino?

I feel so ADD right now, could just be the uber dark coffee I just drank... In case you're wondering I'm just ranting now because I don't want to go home and go to bed. More than likely nothing of great importance will be written after this but you can keep reading if you like cause I think i'm going to keep writing.

Maybe I'll go back over this and delete most of it so you'll have no idea what I'm talking about. Oh well your loss. Nah I just reread all of it and I find it somewhat humorous. So there is a female cop sitting here in the coffee shop and she keeps looking at me which could mean one of three things (1) She saw me look up at her and we got the whole awkward eye contact thing going. (B) She finds me quite attractive and just can't stop looking at me. OR (III) She thinks I'm a shady crack dealer and is looking for probable cause to come over and arrest me. Either way you look at it it's pretty funny.

So i just got convicted in my spirit pretty hardcore over some stuff I had written earlier in this post so I just edited it. Oh well I think it's still good. It's too bad movie directors don't get convicted and do the same...

We officially start our college age mens mens group on tuesday. I'm pretty excited to be back involved in a good church again. I haven't had steady good fellowship in a long time. It's kinda weird that God has placed such a burden on my heart to start this group since I've never led one before. So I'm sitting here typing and i look over at some of the books for sale here at the coffee shop and I see a book that my mom read us kids al growing up and I really want it but I'm a buck shy of what they want for it so I have told God that if he wants me to have it I need him to supply me with another dollar. Anyway I'm gonna pack up my computer and go home and go to bed cause I have to drive to ATL tomorrow morning.

Goodnight world.