Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A bittersweet symphony

So I am in Texas right now. I miss living here. I love visiting my old friends out here, and I miss them. It's weird though because when I lived here I didn't hang out with most of them outside of church, so there's a part of me that wants to be back, but then there's a part that says it'd be that way again... When I think about it I'm reminded of Ecclesiastes 7:10 "Don't long for "the good old days," for you don't know whether they were any better than today." sorta like the grass is greener in the past. So enough about the past...

I love how there are so many people passionately pursuing God here, it's so much easier to run after God when you are surrounded by people that are doing the same. I'm not trying to say that I have been and no one else has, but I know very few who are (myself included.) I want to though, I want to run after God like never before, but it is harder in Athens. The other thing that I miss is the spiritual freedom in the air here that I don't feel in the southeast. It's so refreshing, like having a weight lifted off of your shoulders (I don't consider this as part of "the good old days" because I feel it now).

Anyway that is what I have been thinking about...

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