Monday, December 24, 2007

So I'm sitting here wondering "how do I begin a blog? I've never blogged before!" In pondering this I have decided that I need to be serious but with comic relief, ironic with a hint of sincerity, poetic even with my grammatical errors, it should be a tale of total insanity that is almost completely in control. Then I had an epiphany I could just write down my life... This is me

I grew up in a family of four kids, one mother, and one father. They're all crazy, see for yourself: ( Noelle the oldest) (Jenny the second oldest) (And Natalie the second youngest) and well you're reading the youngests (in case you hadn't figured it out)

Since you can't see my face in the first picture I'll give you a better one.

People tell me all the time that Brad Pitt looks just like me, but I don't see it.

One of my talents is mind reading. You're wondering is he single? Why yes he is.

Now you wonder "What are his interests?" There are far too many to list but if it involves gravity, water, or wheels I probably like it.

I might post again if I can get away from building my new mountain bike trail: the farm loop. later.

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