Monday, June 2, 2008

Why I carry, and other carry answers...

On my 21st birthday I applied for my Georgia Firearms License. Since I received it I have carried everywhere that I legally can. In the short time that I have carried I have already had many questions asked by people (I open carry most of the time, yes it's legal here) Some family, some friends, and some random strangers. I will try to address most of them here in this post.

Q: Why do you carry a gun?!

A: Watch the news.

Q: Why do you need a gun in Kroger?!

A: Last month a bank in Kroger in Atlanta was robbed.

Q: But that was Atlanta.

A: In December of 2007 a police officer was nearly stabbed to death in a Kroger in Athens. Not to mention another officer that was assaulted at the same location a month later by a convicted felon.

Q: Do you carry with one in the chamber?

A: yes

Q: Oh my gosh, why!? Don't you know that's dangerous!?

A: Do you buckle your seatbelt when you sit down, or wait till you think a car wreck is imminent? A modern firearm is perfectly safe having one in the chamber. Even a Glock which considered by many to be dangerous because it has no external safeties is designed to only fire when the trigger is pulled. The firing pin isn't under pressure, and is actually resting against a small block of metal that keeps it from touching the primer until the trigger is pulled.

Q: You only carry because you have a small...

A: Yes, you caught me. (sarcasm off) and next time you're in downtown Atlanta and two men try to rob and or kill you, just say "hold on while I whip this out" unzip, and see what happens.

Q: Aren't you a Christian? Jesus would never condone such a thing.

A: Yes, in fact I love the Lord whole heartedly. We all recall the story where Jesus was being arrested and one of the disciples chopped off a soldiers ear. Jesus knew his disciples were carrying swords and if he had a problem with that fact he most likely would have rebuked them for it. I believe he put a stop to violence because it was time to fulfill prophesy, not because he was against self defense. In fact in Luke 22:36 it says "He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Q: Don't you know that guns cause violence?

A: No they don't.

Q: Then why is England so safe?

A: have you actually looked at the knife crime stats of England? Criminals when banned from using one TOOL will find another. Guns don't cause crime, criminals do. Feeling lazy? Go here and click knife crime on the right side

Now there's a campaign to prosecute anyone who carries a knife. BRILLIANT!

Q: But what about the children?!

A: Actually there are things that are far more dangerous to children than guns, including swimming pools and not breastfeeding.

Q: In our day and age you don't need a gun, isn't that what the police are for?

A: Out of the 32 killed at Virginia Tech, 30 were killed after police arrived. The courts have ruled over and over that the police have no duty to protect the individual. Basically, they don't have to protect you, they aren't your babysitter, grow up.

Q: There was a time when everyone carried a gun, it was the "wild west."

A: Hollywood is to thank for the image that the so called wild west gets. Has it ever occurred to you why the battle at the OK corral is so famous? I mean if gun battles and violence was so prevalent, then why would a thirty second gunfight in which three people died gain so much fame? Because the old west was not what many people think it was. "An armed society is a polite society, manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life" - Robert Heinlein.

Let me end by saying that I am not out to shoot anyone. I honestly don't think that I could ever shoot someone to defend my own life. Granted thats not something you can predict if you've never been in that situation. I carry because millions of violent crimes are prevented or stopped by licensed weapons holders every year thereby making our world safer and if I can protect the lives of others, especially those close to me, then I will.


Anonymous said...

"I honestly don't think that I could ever shoot someone to defend my own life."

Then why carry?

yeti said...

Well, I just figure that the world is bigger than just me. I mean, if it was only my life in danger than I can't say for sure what I would do. But how often in life are you actually alone?

Mrs. Mom said...

You brought up some good points Yeti. Overall a good post. I did wonder about the statement as ANON did, but each unto their own. Things change as time passes- introduce children- YOUR children- into the mix ina few years (I am ass*u*meing here-- sorry) and things may take a drastic change for you. I know it did for me...

Keep up the posts! Liked what I saw on here.

yeti said...

Oh, trust me, if it came down to the life of any member of my family or some random thug, the thug will take two to the chest and one in the head. And I can definitely see my view on defending my own life changing when I have a wife and kids because then I have responsibilities that I would be leaving behind, but as it stands right now, I have no dependents and I know where I'm going when I die. I kinda look at it like giving someone a trip to hell, or going to heaven and allowing that person one more chance to find the Lord.

Thank you for your positive comment! I was reading your blog and was thinking, if that plane is metal, try a magnet on a string :-D

Mrs. Mom said...

Yeti, can you hear the "THUNK" over here as I smack my head? LOL... Never thought to try a magnet..... duh...

Good thing to have such awareness when you are young. It'll keep your hide intact, so that you can find a loving wife when the time comes! ;)