Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I am happy now. Let me explain. For the past year and a half I felt like I was on the run, I knew not from or for what. Whatever it was, it was always either just about to catch me, or just out of my reach. I felt that with every step, pieces of me were being stripped away. Fairly recently my joy was gone, and I thought there was nothing left. It sucked, bad. Have you ever realized that even through all of your prayer and religious stuff you were running the opposite way that God wanted you to go? Essentially running from God. Because thats what I was doing. I didn't run on purpose, but I guess it was no accident either. I probably don't seem like I am making sense, but hang with me here. It's like you start a journey with him and when you stop for gas you forget he's in the bathroom and take off without him. Thats where I had been.

Anyway for the turn. Three months ago I hit the wall, thats what I like to call the place where God strips all of your bad crutches away and allows you to faceplant hardcore. I can't say that I heard from God about moving to Athens, but he gave me little choice. So I moved. I got involved with the Athens Vineyard and since then God has blessed me incredibly. He has placed old friends and new ones in my path, and for that I consider myself extremely blessed.

I'm not entirely sure where I am going with this now... God is back in the vehicle, my joy is back, and I can honestly say that I am closer to being "me" than I have been in a long time. It's nice.

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