Sunday, February 17, 2008


I had to suffer the pain of visiting Wal-Mart the other day. As I was standing in line looking at the new tv screens that have been placed in every line in order to force you to watch commercials while you wait for a cashier, I had a horrible epiphany. I had become less than human, I had effectively become a consumer. A mere number on a quarterly report that stated that I, number 242,144,315 had purchased item number 34,321,853,218 and that $5.24 had been gleened as profit from my $6.78 purchase. Yes the world is a sad place indeed my friend...

Later I discovered where the worst drivers in athens congregate: Kroger. After making it safely home, I bowed down and gave thanks to God that I had survived, and while doing so I realized that if God saved me from the Wal-Martians and the Kroger Kolliders He must have some profound purpose for my life.

Jon and I rode 12.5 mile yesterday in like an hour and a half which I think is pretty good, but I'm probably biased :-D I got an order for my new bike locks, I'm hoping I can make a living on these things. We'll see.

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