Monday, February 4, 2008


"Never do you find it in the blue sky; you find the mercy of God in the very thick of the cloud" -Alan Redpath.

So, here I sit studying for mens group tomorrow and I came across that, and it really stuck a chord in me. We serve an incredible God, who always comes through. I'ts amazing, honestly.

Jon, Doug, and I went up to Wayah bald in North Carolina yesterday. We left a car at the bottom and had Noelle drive us to the top where we proceeded to run down 4.2 miles of the AT, it was probably the best time I've ever had on the AT (except maybe the time Dave and I slept in a bivy tent and I had eaten burritos earlier in the day.)

I took a Geology test today, not sure how I did yet, but I think I got something in the 80's. I guess we'll see.

The Lord has been convicting me about gossiping lately, so I'm working on that. Gossiping sounds so mmmm feminine, how about; the Lord has been convicting me about talking behind people backs, so I'm working on it. lol.

I miss my motorcycle more and more every day :-( I saw a green speed four go by earlier and almst cried.

I'm listening to Gateway Worship on Real Rhapsody (thanks Jon) and I miss being there in person. Ok, I'm stopping now, living in the past = bad.

On a bright note, I'm officially on the Hub cycling team, so Lord willing I'll be racing later this summer :-D I absolutely love pedalling, its great.

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